As the automotive industry continues to innovate, automated and assisted driving systems have emerged at the forefront of technological advancement. These systems promise increased safety, convenience, and efficiency on the road. However, the integration of these sophisticated systems presents significant challenges, particularly in the realm of software interoperability. Ensuring that various software components can seamlessly communicate and work together is critical for the success of these advanced driving technologies. 

To learn more, we invite you to read this three-part blog series by Dr. Rajive Joshi, Chair of the AVCC Software Portability Working Group and Principal Solution Architect at Real-Time Innovations (RTI).

Welcome to Enhancing Automated and Assisted Driving: The Challenge of Software Interoperability  

About the Author:

Dr. Rajive Joshi is System Architect and Principal Solution Architect at Real-Time Innovations (RTI), Chair of the Software Portability Working Group at AVCC, and Chair of the Connectivity and Communication Subgroup at the Digital Twin Consortium. He loves building software systems and has contributed to RTI’s products, open source software, customer projects, and several patents. His expertise includes software system architecture for safe and secure autonomous systems, distributed real-time embedded systems, robotics, sensor data fusion, software development, and project leadership. He has authored several publications including a book on multisensor data fusion, is the lead author of the Industrial Internet Connectivity Framework (IICF) for which he won the IIC’s Individual Contributor Award, is the lead author and editor of the AVCC’s Data-Oriented Communication Architecture for Automated and Assisted Driving Systems technical report. He earned a Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, for which he won the best thesis award, and also the IEEE best paper award on multisensor fusion.

If you would like to learn more, we encourage you to read the latest technical papers from the Software Portability Working Group and please send an email to [email protected] to learn more about MEMBERSHIP and how your organization can contribute to future papers and work.