about us

A Platform for Members to Collaborate

The Autonomous Vehicle Computing Consortium (AVCC®) is a group of automotive and technology industry leaders, OEMs, and automotive industry suppliers and players coming together to help accelerate the mass production of safe and affordable vehicles with automated and assisted driving solutions. All automotive and technology companies are encouraged and welcome to join AVCC.


Defining Non-Differentiable Building Blocks

AVCC has broken down technology into common (non-differentiable) and customized (differentiable) IP. Focusing on the common IP, AVCC brings together its members and other industry organizations to act as a catalyst of discussion and developer of common building blocks and then partners with organizations that run customized solutions through testing and certification.


Accelerating Development & Deployment

The path to delivering autonomous vehicles is long and complex, and bigger than any one company. Leading companies are working together in the AVCC to address the technological complexities and obstacles that need to be overcome for the deployment of autonomous vehicles. AVCC members work together to deliver a conceptual compute platform that addresses these challenges.


The Results Will Benefit Everyone

The AVCC is defining, educating and publishing for the benefit of all. The consortium brings together the expertise, knowledge and innovation with a shared goal and focused strategy. Developing an autonomous ecosystem will help the automotive industry to work together. The AVCC facilitates and manages working groups to share ideas and study common technological challenges.

Board of Directors

Elizabeth Kao, Robert Bosch LLC


John Kourentis, Arm

Board Member

Masahiro Goto, DENSO Corporation

Board Member

Krunoslav Orcic, Qualcomm

Board Member


Elizabeth Kao, Robert Bosch LLC

Board Chair

Armando Pereira, AVCC


Oliver Fisher, Arm


Committee Chairs

Stephen Miller, Robert Bosch LLC

Technical Committee

John Kourentis, Arm

Outreach Committee

Current Working Group Chairs

Andrew Jones, Arm

Cybersecurity Working Group

Kasper Mecklenburg, Arm

Benchmarks Working Group

Rajive Joshi, RTI

Software Portability Working Group

Past Working Group Chairs

Jonas Hammarstrom, Arriver

Imaging Working Group

Volker Hampel, Continental Corporation

System Architecture Working Group


SAE International




The Autoware Foundation


Members Collaborating

We collaborate in this space to improve the industry as a whole and ultimately increase the safety of assisted driving and autonomous vehicles.